Keynotes & General Sessions
Announcing PRIMA's 2023 General Session Line-Up!

Jon Petz
Significance in Simple Moments
8 AM
Monday, June 5
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Success and relationships in today’s risk management world, are not finish lines, something we conquer, or even single accomplishments. Mutually beneficial relationships are in fact a series of simple moments that matter to those we serve. Relationships are what connect us as leaders to the communities we serve along with our team members, partners and all human beings. It’s how we re-engage the lost art of human connection.
Motivational keynote speaker and author Jon Petz, shares the extraordinary value in turning mundane moments into SIGNIFICANT, memorable – even MAGNIFICENT chances to positively impact those you serve and protect -- every little corner of your world and the people in it!
Awards Presentation & Luncheon
12:15 PM
Monday, June 5
PRMY Sponsored by:

Join us as we honor individuals and
entities that have excelled in their profession.
• Public Risk Manager of the Year Award
• Outstanding Achievement for a Public Risk Management Program
• Outstanding Achievement for an Intergovernmental Risk Pool
Program or Product
• Outstanding Achievement for an Enterprise Risk
Management Program
• PRIMA Chapter Recognition Award
Sonia Aranza
Impact of Unconscious Bias on Risk Management and Personal Excellence
8 AM
Tuesday, June 6
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This dynamic presentation reveals how the complexity of our humanity and the neurology of bias impacts our decision making. Ms. Aranza is a 25+ year veteran in the field of Diversity & Inclusion and brings a wealth of experience. She was selected to execute congressionally mandated programs for several landmark cases. Ms. Aranza is on the Faculty of Howard University's Executive Diversity Program. This presentation provides insights to elevate your personal excellence in decision making.

Bob Wilson, President & Founding Partner,
Mark Pew, Provost & Founding Partner,
Ya'Sheaka Williams, Esq. Partner Quintarios, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. |
Keynote Lunch & Learn
Building a Professional Community
11:30 AM
Wednesday, June 7
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Democratized education for all stakeholders in workers’ compensation has not always been easy or effective and has often been narrowly focused and inconsistently provided. How can you create a level of professionalism with universal best practices across multiple disciplines and jurisdictions that also creates a sense of community and comradery? Bob Wilson, Mark Pew, and Ya’Sheaka Williams will interactively share with the audience how to recognize a training gap, ideate methods to address the issues, create a diverse team to build the vision, and then make it a reality.
Lunch will be provided.